
Piko Taro “PPAP Song” Singer Contact Details (Phone Number, Twitter, Youtube)

PIKO TARO  aka Kosaka Daimaou “PPAP Song” Singer Wiki, Bio, Contact Details (Phone Number, Twitter, Youtube)- PIKO TARO is one of the funniest and viral person on the Internet right now due to his latest video song named PPAP (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen)Piko Taro is an anecdotal musician/artist made by Japanese comic KosakaDaimaou. It was posted on YouTube on 25 August 2016 and has since turned into a web sensation with millions of perspectives and thousand preferences on 27 Sep 2016 BST. The video was posted on Facebook by 9GAG, where it has millions of perspectives, more than thousand preferences, and very nearly million of shares.

 TWEET OF JUSTIN BIEBER: PPAP song video went viral on YouTube and also the superstar Justin Bieber tweeted that this video is one of his favorite funny videos of him. He also shares this video on the Internet.




1. TWITTER@kosaka_daimaou

PIKO TARO has an account on Twitter in which earned thousands of followers. Piko Taro Joined Twitter in June 2016. If anyone wants to follow him then they can visit this link which is given above.

2. YOUTUBE: @channel

PIKO TARO has an official channel page on YouTube. This is the link of PPAP video played out by PIKO TARO which gone viral on YouTube. If anyone wants to see the video then they can visit this link which is given above.

3. INSTAGRAMkosakadaimaou

He is also active on Instagram where he has updated his photos and videos. You can follow him on Instagram by visiting the above link.

4. IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5145387/

5. SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/37GBT1Lhfc2sgq4jZIt6n2

6. Phone Number: 

He is from Japan and there is no verified number available for contacting him.

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